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in the midst ofの例文


  • right now , we're in the midst of an important mission .
  • in the midst of studying everything that can go wrong ?
  • you're still in the midst of the scandal .
    先生は釈放されても まだ 疑惑の渦中にいらっしゃいます
  • in the midst of an extreme fight to the death ...
    あれは 極限の命のやりとりのなかで➡
  • that we are living in the midst of a modernday hitler .
  • that in the midst of the world war , out of nowhere
  • however , in the midst of a mass crowd like this
    しかし このように おびただしい数の群衆の中で
  • however , in the midst of a mass crowd like this
    しかし このように おびただしい数の群衆の中で
  • it's in the midst of research let's go olivia
    研究の真っ最中だ - 行こうぜ オリヴィア
  • the gun was swapped in the midst of all that confusion .
    凶器の拳銃は 現場の混乱の中で
  • in the midst of the street was the tree of life
    ( ヨハネ黙示録22章の1 ) "都の通りの両側に
  • we're in the midst of a virus contamination .
  • i'm in the midst of somewhat of a family emergency .
    家族が緊急事態の 最中なの
  • isaac's in the midst of a psychotic episode right now .
    アイザックは今 精神的にヤバいんだ
  • in the midst of this uncertainty is to keep balance
  • i'm in the midst of a mission . i must go .
    俺はな 任務の最中だ 行かねばならんのだ。
  • but it was all alone in the midst of that !
  • that it may buy you some time in the midst of an outbreak .
  • we think we're in the midst of a virus contamination .
  • we were in the midst of a crucial weapons test .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3